When I was a child, my mother was often reading me a story about a baby bird who was wounded by a hunter because it did not listen to the advice of its mother. This story made me cry every time as in the end of the story the mother has to take the painful decision of abandoning the baby bird who would have not survived to a long trip and migrate with the other babies to save them from the harsh winter. The baby bird remains alone and when the snow covers the fields he dies. I always believed that the fate of the baby bird was not fair and every time my mother was close to the end of the story, I kept my eyes closed hoping that this time the story would have another end and a man with a good heart would come to save the baby bird.
I believe that DRASI AGRIAZOI is the one that changes the end of so many stories which otherwise would become tragic. DRASI AGRIAZOI is the hope of the weak, wounded and unlucky baby animals, helping them to return in the wild strong and ready to bring their contribution to the normal cycle of the beautiful nature.
I was thankful to have the unique experience of releasing a strong baby swift back into the wild. I was feeling like I was rewriting the end of the sad story from my childhood. Hope that the baby swift will travel far away over the seas and countries as the baby bird from the story wished: “Mom, I will be fine, won't I? We will travel together over seas and countries, won't we?”
Roman Alina-Maria