Ο δακτυλιωμένος κύκνος

 Very exciting news arrived from Evros! A mute swan – an ex patient of ours – was sighted by the personnel of ”National Park of Evros” Management Agency. This individual was brought to the “Action for Wildlife” facilities last November and was set free at Axios delta, after a brief treatment and marking with a ring.

Read about this notice in Management Agency of Axios webpage.

Ο σπουργίτης στο κουτί του

14th July 2012. I return home from work and I see that a female dog of ours is “playing” with something in between her jaws. A simple “leave-it” order was enough for the “play” to stop!! …. The play-object is moving vividly… but one of its wings is scrambled…!! After calling the members of “Action for Wildlife” we decided to take it to the facilities for treatment. We meet Filotas at the facilities. Eventually the problem was that its tail was damaged and it could not fly properly, at least not until it would grow back to normal…. So we left it there…. This was also a good chance to take a look at the amazing work that takes place there, regarding the care of the animals!!Ο σπουργίτης στο κουτί του


Με φροντίδα

30th July 2012. We were notified by the “Action for Wildlife” that the sparrow we found is ready to be released! They suggested us to release it to the place where it was found and we followed their advice..!
WE went to get the sparrow and returned home… Whe leave the box near to the honeysuckle where there many other sparrows duel and there is water and several types of seeds available!!

Στο αγιόκλημα

The young guy is very eager… Marina opens the box gently and slowly…

Ανοίγοντας το κουτί

Ανοίγοντας το κουτί

Ανοίγοντας το κουτί

….Δεν πρόλαβα άλλο καρέ!!

Δεν πρόλαβα άλλο καρέ...

… I couldn’t get any other shot…

It eventually flew to the honeysuckle where it stood for a while. Then it flew to the pear trees, about 20 m further…. Then we lost it…! So everything went ok! Congatulations to all of you!

Kostas - Marina



Το τσακαλάκι χειρουργημένο

Το τσακαλάκι χειρουργημένοΠριν λίγες μέρες παραλάβαμε ένα μικρό τσακάλι το οποίο το χτύπησε αυτοκίνητο στην Ολυμπιάδα Χαλκιδικής και έφτασε σε εμάς μέσω του Φορέα Διαχείρισης των λιμνών Κορώνειας-Βόλβης. Η κατάσταση της υγείας του είναι ιδιαίτερα σοβαρή, αλλά θέλουμε να ελπίζουμε πως υπάρχουν ελπίδες να επανενταχθεί στη φύση.

Στο τριήμερο 29η Ιουνίου έως και 1η Ιουλίου η Δράση για την άγρια ζωή έδωσε το παρόν στο 15o Αντιρατσιστικό Φεστιβάλ. Πολύς κόσμος πέρασε από το περίπτερό μας δίνοντάς μας την ευκαιρία να τον ενημερώσουμε για το έργο μας.


Calendar 2024

Get Informed - Spread - Get Involved

Amazing Calendar 2024 with photos of the animals during their care.

We thank our volunteers Quentin, Agathe, Eglantine and Laetitia who photographed the animals and the graphic designer Christina Moudeli for editing the calendar.

We also thank the publishing organization KETHEA "Shape and color" for their prompt service.

You can get them by sending a message to our fb page.

How to reach us...

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/N1SRq7wK2zz

We are along the cross street intersecting the side road of the Thessaloniki-Athens highway, at the 9th km, just before the Mercedes car dealership. Following this cross street, you can find us 1km ahead, towards the sea, just after the ZAK shoe factory.

In more detail...



I use tote bags by Action for Wildlife…

We take single-use plastic bags out of our lives and use reusable tote bags by Action for Wildlife, supporting the environment in more ways than one!



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