Μια καλή πόζα πριν πετάξει

Μια καλή πόζα πριν πετάξει It is Saturday, the last day of June, and we decided to celebrate it with a release, but after a rather difficult sift… A goldfinch was ready to be released in the wild, after a 37-day hospitalization. Place of release was chosen to be a small forest patch near the Gallikos river. The bird was taken out of the transport box to get the last commemorative photos, the palm holding the bird opened and the bird flew to the nearby trees and then hopping from branch to branch. Such wonderful times and a wonderful break, absolutely necessary to give us strengthTo keep coping with the tens of animals brought to us everyday to be treated.re

The four young owls, found under their nests, were “adopted” by the members of the “Action for Wildlife” group. They grew adequately, but also gained enough strength. In cooperation with the Koronia - Volvi Management Agency, we decided to let them rehabilitate at Basiloudi in a specially formed place for rehabilitation purposes, where another 4 young owls were rehabilitated last year.
Eventually, after we took measurements of their bodies and their weight, they were marked with rings by Savvas Kazantzidis and left to their new home. We hope that everything will turn out ok and they will be able to face life successfully!
Lila Karta.

Βραχοκιρκίνεζα νεοσσοί


Αγαπητοί φίλοι,


οι άνθρωποι που ασχολούμαστε με την περίθαλψη της άγριας ζωής είναι γεγονός ότι βιώνουμε πολλές και ιδιαίτερες καταστάσεις. Κάθε καλοκαίρι μάλιστα οι εισαγωγές ζώων είναι τόσες σε καθημερινή βάση που συχνά περνάν τα μεσάνυχτα για να επιστρέψουμε σπίτια μας. Η φετινή όμως αναπαραγωγική περίοδος είναι κάτι το μοναδικό. Ποτέ στο παρελθόν δεν παραλάβαμε τόσα πολλά ζώα. Πλέον παραλαμβάνουμε καθημερινά δεκάδες ζώα. Προχθές στις 25 Ιουνίου πήραμε 40 ζώα και σήμερα 34 αν θυμάμαι καλά. Η κατάσταση αυτή θα συνεχιστεί για ένα μήνα ακόμα. Οι βιολογικές μας δυνάμεις συχνά μας εγκαταλείπουν και συνεχίζουμε χάρη στα ψυχικά αποθέματα που διαθέτουμε. Το κόστος φροντίδας των ζώων έχει ανέβει στα ύψη και οι ανάγκες σε τροφές και φάρμακα αδειάζουν σχεδόν σε καθημερινή βάση τα ράφια. Κι εμείς έτσι απλά συνεχίζουμε, όπως ξέρουμε να το κάνουμε χρόνια τώρα.

 A few days ago we transferred a Lesser Kestrel to EcoDevelopement of Karla-Mavrobouni-Kefalobryso-Velestino Management Agency (EDKaMaKeVe) to be released, which needed a long time to recover. The bird was marked with a ring by Vasilis Goutner, professor of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Read the relevant press release from the Management Agency…

SUBJECT: Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) was released in the Karla area
On Friday 22nd June, a Lesser Kestrel, after fully recovered from hospitalization, was released to “Karla” natural area from the Management Agency of EcoDevelopement of Karla-Mavrobouni-Kefalobryso-Belestino.The bird was wounded and found outside Larisa. It was hospitalized and treated with intensive care by the members of “Action for Wildlife” group, the facilities of which are located in Thessaloniki and their work is of utmost importance.

Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumannii) is protected by the Directive 2009/147/ΕΚ «For the conservation of wild birds» and is referred as Vulnerable (VU) in the Red Data Book. In the Protected Area it is found in the special protection zones of “Mt Mavrovouni” (GR 1420006) and of “Periochi Tamieftiron proin Limnis Karlas” (GR 1430007). It nests in most of the villages around the protected area’s reservoirs, especially in meadows and crops (wheat, clover, cotton). It is threatened by the intensification of agriculture, which includes extensive use of pesticides, reduce of available nest places at the human settlements and disturbance.

We wish a successful rehabilitation.

Chamoglou Maria Michalakis Dimitris
Management Agency of EDKaMaKeVe
The press release team


Μιχαλάκης Δημήτρης


Φορέας Διαχείρισης Π.Ο.Κα.Μα.Κε.Βε.

Το Δελτίο τύπου

Επανένταξη γλάρων στη Χαλάστρα

Επανένταξη γλάρων στη ΧαλάστραΞεκινήσαμε και για φέτος το καλοκαίρι, σε συνεργασία με τον Φορέα Διαχείρισης του Δέλτα Αξιού, τις σταδιακές επανεντάξεις νεοσσών στο φυσικό τους περιβάλλον.


Οι φωτογραφίες που ακολουθούν είναι από την επανένταξη γλάρων στη Χαλάστρα...


Calendar 2024

Get Informed - Spread - Get Involved

Amazing Calendar 2024 with photos of the animals during their care.

We thank our volunteers Quentin, Agathe, Eglantine and Laetitia who photographed the animals and the graphic designer Christina Moudeli for editing the calendar.

We also thank the publishing organization KETHEA "Shape and color" for their prompt service.

You can get them by sending a message to our fb page.

How to reach us...

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/N1SRq7wK2zz

We are along the cross street intersecting the side road of the Thessaloniki-Athens highway, at the 9th km, just before the Mercedes car dealership. Following this cross street, you can find us 1km ahead, towards the sea, just after the ZAK shoe factory.

In more detail...



I use tote bags by Action for Wildlife…

We take single-use plastic bags out of our lives and use reusable tote bags by Action for Wildlife, supporting the environment in more ways than one!



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