Την φετινή πανσέληνο του Αυγούστου είχαμε την τύχη να ζήσουμε μοναδικές στιγμές εδώ στην Ξάνθη και αυτό χάρη στους εθελοντές της "Δράσης για την Άγρια Ζωή", οι οποίοι τους προηγούμενους μήνες αφιέρωσαν χρόνο και κόπο για να φροντίσουν νεοσσούς και τραυματισμένα ζώα και τελικά να μπορέσουμε εμείς να παραβρεθούμε την μαγική στιγμή της επανένταξης, της επιστροφής πίσω στη φύση!


Το Σάββατο λοιπόν το απόγευμα, ξεκινήσαμε 3 φίλοι από την Ξάνθη με προορισμό την παραλία Μαγγάνων για να συναντηθούμε με τα παιδιά από την Θεσσαλονίκη. Εκεί βέβαια η παρέα μεγάλωσε ακόμα πιο πολύ και έπειτα από τις απαραίτητες συστάσεις εμφανίστηκε το κουτί στα χέρια της Φρόσως και της Δανάης.

Έπειτα από δύομιση μήνες όπου καθημερινά παραλαμβάναμε πλήθος ζώων στις 5 Αυγούστου παραλάβαμε μόνοι ένα ζώο. Κάτι τέτοιο είχε να συμβεί από τις 21 Μαΐου. Στο διάστημα αυτό παραλάβαμε 591 ζώα απελευθερώνοντας έως τώρα 173 από αυτά. Συγχαρητήρια σε όλα τα παιδιά που εθελοντικά αφιερώνοντας ατέλειωτες ώρες στη φροντίδα των ζώων κατάφεραν να φέρουν σε πέρας με πολύ καλά αποτελέσματα για τα ζώα αλλά και την ευαισθητοποίηση του κόσμου, κάτω από αντίξοες ομολογουμένως συνθήκες και αυτή τη δύσκολη περίοδο.
Αυτή τη στιγμή που εγώ γράφω αυτά καθισμένος στον υπολογιστή του σπιτιού μου, κάποιοι άλλοι βρίσκονται στο Μικρόπολις και φροντίζουν μερικές δεκάδες ζώα που έχουμε εκεί, δύσκολα θα έχουν τελειώσει τη φροντίδα τους πριν από τα μεσάνυχτα και ορισμένοι εξ αυτών αύριο το πρωί δουλεύουν. Μη σταματάτε παιδιά.

 At early July we had received an adult injured Common Swift (Apus apus) from Halkidiki. It had a shattering fracture at its left forearm and the condition of the injury was very serious. In most of the Wildlife Hospitals around the world they would never take care of an injury like this and probably they would have done euthanasia to the animal. Although the odds were against us we decided to try and save the bird.

We had to set back the bones as soon as possible and to immobilize the fracture. There was also a continuing medical support all day long for as long as it needed in order to heal. On 20th of July we removed the splint from the wing and the fracture was healed. There was another challenge that we were facing. The immobilization of the wing had cause a stiffness of the wrist which after several physiotherapies it started moving again.

On 28th of July we made the first attempt in order to release the bird. Despite the fact that everything seemed to get better the bird wasn’t able to fly high enough, so we needed to recapture it. It was a very strong and lively bird and during the next two days it was trying constantly to fly again.

So on the 30th of July we had some other Common Swifts that were ready for rehabilitation and we decided to try again with this particular bird.

First we released the other two Swifts and then we tried our little “friend”. After a light push into the air it flew around for a while without to be able to gain much height, so it fell on the ground again. We checked each feather very carefully and we gave another push up on the air and this time the bird started to gain height easily with strong wings and we just stayed there to watch it fly away until we lost it from our eyes. It was a very emotional and joyful moment since we were proud of our decision not to give up with this bird.

This was the third Common Swift with a wing fracture which we have been able to rehabilitate this year. Unfortunately there were a few others that were not so lucky. Every successful rehabilitation offers us with knowledge and experience which we can use them in the future in order to save other animals from the same or a different species.

The first common Swift with a fracture was rehabilitated in Greece during summer of 1992 or 1993. That bird had been released at Kalamaria area. In addition half of the Swifts we have received until now have been released back in nature. This increases the number of the animals that have been rehabilitated by the “Action for Wildlife” to almost 200.

We feel the need to congratulate Chrisoula for her amazing job with the Swifts.


Calendar 2024

Get Informed - Spread - Get Involved

Amazing Calendar 2024 with photos of the animals during their care.

We thank our volunteers Quentin, Agathe, Eglantine and Laetitia who photographed the animals and the graphic designer Christina Moudeli for editing the calendar.

We also thank the publishing organization KETHEA "Shape and color" for their prompt service.

You can get them by sending a message to our fb page.

How to reach us...

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/N1SRq7wK2zz

We are along the cross street intersecting the side road of the Thessaloniki-Athens highway, at the 9th km, just before the Mercedes car dealership. Following this cross street, you can find us 1km ahead, towards the sea, just after the ZAK shoe factory.

In more detail...



I use tote bags by Action for Wildlife…

We take single-use plastic bags out of our lives and use reusable tote bags by Action for Wildlife, supporting the environment in more ways than one!



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